1st International Sopron Fire Tower Photocontest/1. Nemzetközi Soproni Tűztorony Fotópályázat
- open monochrome digital
- open color digital
- nude color/monochrome digital
- architecture color/monochrome digital
- World in focus color digital
Maximum image size (including any borders) is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels high and in 300 dpi. File size shall not be bigger than 2 MB.
- Entry fee is 15 EUR for 1-3 sections.
- Entry fee is 20 EUR for all sections.
PayPal: contest@sopronifotoklub.hu
- Gabor Langh EFIAP, A-MAFOSZ/s (Hungary)
- Lajos Nagy EFIAP/d3, GMPSA (Románia)
- Zoran Toldi EFIAP, AZSF (Slovakia)
Salon chairman:
- Mrs. Gyongyi Hipsagh EFIAP/s, A-MAFOSZ/p,
- contest@sopronifotoklub.hu or hipsaghgyongyi@gmail.com